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Over the years our customers have commissioned a wide variety of sculptures. Whether it’s to bring your own idea to life, or to add a personal touch to one or our designs, we invite you to be a part of the work. Some personalised pieces include; trees with a robin to represent each member of the family, two swans flying away together as they mate for life, and flowers added to the bottom of a piece to symbolise each child. Commission custom metal sculpture by widely collected and highly successful contemporary artists. Endow your space with a famous original art investment.
Commissioning your own idea for a sculpture means it can be more personal to you or a loved one, making it the perfect gift for a wedding, birthday or anniversary.
‘For Tina’ was created for a mother and commissioned by her six children. The siblings had two sets of twins which are represented in the two pairs of robins nestled together. The trunks of the tree represent the parents as they intertwine and provide a foundation for the robins. Giving them support but letting them fly freely.
‘For Iullin’ was again a gift from the children to their mother and depicts two swans flying up into the air, sprouting up behind them 6 beautiful flowers representing her children.
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Small Gifts,
Wall Hangings,
Liam Butler,
Ronan Butler,
Davin Butler,
Lisa Butler.